Better Learning and Teaching |
Dedicated to putting the fun back into learning, we have collaborated with educators from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford and with animators from Nickelodeon to bring you a host of stories and adventures.
Aligned with the curriculum, children can read books at a level appropriate to them and have the chance to practise all their skills: reading, writing, grammar, speaking and listening. There is constructive feedback to support the regular assessments, teachers' guides - and some great interactive games to play and learn.
We have also incorporated some important morals and values, so by being part of the Fun and Friends Club your learners take away more than just the experience of learning English.
Learner's Journal
Teacher's Guide
Scope and Sequence
School-based English Projects
Scope of services cover a variety of school-based projects, PEEGS projects (Grant Scheme on Promoting Effective English Language Learning in Primary Schools), QEF Projects (Quality Education Fund projects), and other e-learning projects.
We provide a variety of tailored English language learning resources for school-based curriculum initiatives to take forward the major areas of the updated English Language Curriculum (Primary) under the “Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum – Focusing, Deepening and Sustaining”. These include:
- Promoting reading or literacy across the curriculum (RaC or LaC) through tailoring or adapting of teaching and learning resources for sustainable impacts;
- Promoting e-learning practice at school through providing sustainable e-learning and teaching resources (mobile learning or blended learning) for schools;
- Catering learner diversity with equal emphasis on capable learners and less able learners through extensive teaching and learning resources (in print, at PC and with mobile apps) that support differentiate teaching and learning pedagogy both in the classrooms and extended self-directed learning at home;
- Provide services to conduct English language activities for students to enrich the English Language environment in schools (e.g. School-based Reading Across the Curriculum workshops);
- Provide services to conduct co-curricular activities to promote reading and reading across the curriculum.
Highlights of Services and Programmes
e-Learning materials (apps) and books
A combination of print book and online learning materials makes e-learning or blended learning easy for any school-based curriculum. Mobile-learning is easy and learning can happen anywhere and anytime with cross-platform designed courseware. Graded learning materials are also specially developed to suit the ability of each learner and help them progress in their learning.
Cross-curricular readers / e-books
Fiction readers encourage learners to experience other cultures whilst exposing them to essential life lessons. These comprise morals, positive values, and positive role models; non-fiction readers (including National Geographic Learning series, STEM series and EB Hot Issues series) cover a wide range of authentic subject areas and text types. Learners have plenty of exposure to world knowledge, have a deeper level of appreciation for the arts, develop deeper understanding of universal core values, strengthen positive values and their daily application to analyse personal and social issues.
Reading across the curriculum (RaC) increases students’ read-to-learn competence by enhancing their motivation and interest in reading. This helps them to better connect learning experiences to the various school subjects. RaC also paves the way for students’ self directed learning (SDL), which is an acquired essential learning skill.
Non-fiction titles (National Geographic Learning NGL series)
Non-fiction titles (STEM series)
Non-fiction titles (EB Hot Issues series)
Fiction titles
Other school-based titles
If you are interested in our school-based solution and support, please contact us at (852) 3188 2600 or email us at project@wiseman.com.hk for further enquiries.